Highly specialized procedures acquire specialized training. Technology is no substitute for proper specialized training - a patient can only be treated optimal with long term prognosis & function after a proper diagnosis for conservative & or advanced dental treatment & implant placement had been made. All clinical disciplines needs to be considered when evaluating a patient to obtain the correct treatment plan that suits the individual needs of the patient. No single clinician is able to provide a patient with the optimal plan. The majority of oral rehabilitation cases needs periodontal treatment to either correct soft tissue defects or bone levels. Augmentation prior to & or during implant placement to ensure correct positions of implants for optimal function & aesthetics for the final restorative work / prosthesis is essential.
With correct treatment planning & execution thereof by qualified specialists optimal function & aesthetics can be obtained.
Proper evaluation of periodontal status prior to any restorative dentistry - thus elimination of periodontal disease with possible crown lengthening procedures to obtain the correct gingival contour & to create a healthy periodontium which will allow for post-operative maintenance.
Clinical crown lengthening prior to full rehab - perio surgery & rehab by Prosthodontist (pre- &post op):
Proper periodontal evaluation & treatment of periodontium-, bone-, soft tissues & pre-op removal of non-restorable teeth due to abscesses & decay together with the augmentation of extraction sockets & the correction of gingival contours.
Conventional denture in upper jaw.
Lower jaw - placement of gingival graft to obtain healthy periodontium to protect the dental implants against peri-implantitis (infection) of the soft tissue.
A healthy periodontium is essential for the success of any oral rehabilitation - natural dentition- & / or implants. With a healthy periodontium proper oral hygiene can be maintained which in return will protect the natural teeth from decay & implants from peri-implantitis.
Bone augmentation, soft tissue management with correct diagnosis & treatment plan is the key to success of any oral rehabilitation. Therefore the specialist Periodontist & Prosthodontist are the best equipped to advise & treat patients with such advanced dental needs.